Friday, July 9, 2010

Discussion Forum Questions

Internet Making Us Smarter?


  1. 7/10/2010 10:48 AM
    N. Carr made a good paper. When I’m reading a book, I’m with Carr on this, “my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages” instead web is making us smarter, because has made us consume tons of information from different points of views, empowering and provoking ideas. Yesterday when reading and working on a blog page, my brain was moving to different options how to put content and make connections on the blog and also on the webpage for a Spanish or/and Math teacher’s site. I disagree on “ making us less attentive and in general less intelligent” ; I think that access to the web is not just for chat, MySpace, or to read the email; web access open to you a big window through information, communication and diverse cultural perspectives. Jumping from black & white TV to HD color; from long plays to Blueray, from classroom teaching to virtual learning make us understand that humans are moving to wide open scenarios.

  2. AT&T seller convinced me three months ago to buy a Smartphone with this “in real time”, for good I got the phone and you can get connections to the entire world around the clock. We as teachers must be up to date on technology because I’m with the article on this: “Teachers would be the explainers, the context providers, the meaning makers, and the evaluators of information that kids find on their own. Teaching would still be a noble calling, perhaps even more so than before”.
    Hi everybody. I'm still looking for a handy price on the textbook, if you know about it please let me know. Thanks

  3. 7/14/2010 4:43 PM
    Hi Jennifer, I like your website because is very easy to navigate and the background is amazing. My feedback is to edit your web pages tabs if you want to improve what you created, just adding to projects 2 and 3 pages, new pages tabs for your physics class, and also your resources page could include those links. I’m working with the same hosting site: tripod and looks that for my website they are holding my web page for 72 hours to start building on. Did you wait long to start building your website? Thanks.

  4. 7/14/2010 5:52 PM
    I have been in a pre-k classroom since 2008 and believe me that you amaze yourself with 3 and 4 years old children. When I arrived to the classroom there were two computers in opposites sides of the room, probably waiting for a hand to put everything in the right place (cables, printers, internet , ect).The Hatch Software for children is a good resource not just for this environment, but for a high educational level. In the beginning we set some rules how to use the computer, learn the basics, and to let them follow the most difficult instruction: “You must wait for your turn”. I discovered that most of them were learning fast to deal with this software, how to choose three out of the four links and how to listen and see the eBooks, play, and draw while they were listening music, the rest did not try because they were not skilled. We made the mistake to set one student on the computer and later learned that they did not move from the first choice. Later on, we moved to let them sit in small groups in front of each computer, it was a big change in the attitude, speed, and the learning experience was really wonderful. The reason of this change is that they learn more when they share knowledge, peers sharing, learning from their peers, this make bring the surgeon’s model cited by Prensky: “ Watch one, do one, teach one “. “ Peer-to-peer learning: Putting two or three students in front of a single computer may be as good or even better than, having each student work individually” Page 18.
